1. Playground 运动场
2. the opening/closing ceremony 开幕式/闭幕式
3. gold medal金牌
4. silver medal银牌
5. bronze medal铜牌
6. champion 冠军
7. first runner up亚军
8. second runner up季军
9. field events 田赛項目
10. to break a record 打破记录
11. to go to the finals 进入决赛
12. Referee/ Judge 裁判
13. long jump 跳远
14. discus throwing 扔铁饼
15. Shot-put 掷铅球
16. Jevelin throwing 投标枪
17. Cheers and hail 喝彩欢呼
18. track events 径赛项目
19. High jump 跳高
20. skiing 滑雪
21. fencing 击剑
22. acrobatic gymnastics 技巧运动
23. shuttlecock playing 毽球
24. coach 教练
25. relay race; relay 接力
26. championship 锦标赛
27. competitive sport 竞技性运动
28. weightlifting 举重
29. hurdles; hurdle race 跨栏比赛
30. tug-of-war 拔河